Vestment & Church Hangings Emblems & Bandings
Items for church including altar lace, religious appliques, vestment emblems, vestment banding and more.
Appliques, emblems & bandings for vestments and church hangings. Some vintage items.

Cross & Wreath of Wheat Hand Embroidered on White Damask
Sale Price:$25.00 Original Price:$30.00

3 Yards of Green and White Vestment Banding Cross Chasuble Banding White on Green 3 1/2 " Wide Chasuble Trim

3 Yards of Greek Cross Vestment Banding White on Green 4" Wide Nicely Embroidered Chasuble Banding

6" Wide White on Red Vestment Banding 3 Yards of Richly Embroidered Cross Chasuble Banding Chasuble Trim