Handmade by your ecclesiastical seamstress Patricia Ann Cholasta. Customized to your style, budget & size.

Church Altar Frontals

Frontals and Super Frontals

Please contact me with your needs for altar frontals, superfrontal and antependium. I will be happy to work with you on your projects.

Rose Sunday

Beautiful Mediterranean fabric with real metal. Large rose flowers on gold or white background. Can be used for weddings or feast days too!

Stunning Real Metal Damask Frontal

Valenica fabric makes a beautiful altar frontal for Christmas, Easter and weddings. Colors available: gold. green/gold, purple/gold, rose/gold, white/silver, blue/silver. See red/gold combination below.

Red Gold Valencia Real Metal Altar Frontal


Green Superfrontal

Metallic Green & Gold Fabric with Green Silk Panel Adorned with Metallic Gold Chalice Applique

Blue for Advent

Gorgeous Archangel Fabric with real metal in a beautiful shade of blue. Vestment, chalice veil and burse in medium weight, rich looking Vincent fabric.


Veil & Burse Set

Gorgeous Musical Angel Fabric with Real Gold. Burse & Chalice Veil Made to match vintage vestment of same fabric

Palm Sunday Superfrontal

Beautiful Damask Fabric for Palm Sunday, Pentecost and Feast of Martyrs

Advent Altar Frontal

Advent Superfrontal made with purple brocade fabric. Center cross is a beautiful vintage embroidery piece. It was most likely a sample but luckily it was cut in a way that made it fairly simple to use.

Lenten Altar Frontal

Made with traditonal heavy weight linen. Adorned with cross and trimmed with 1/2” purple and metallic gold trim. Simple but elegant.